Fire Features


Why not turn your ordinary jobs into the extra ordinary! Grand Effects, known for its beautiful fire features at well known resorts and hotels has developed a residential product line. All of our fire pits incorporate either full automation or manual operation using a CSA/AGA approved burner system. Our system is safe and easy to install. You can choose from a variety of finishes that will enhance your design. Not just for resorts anymore!

Concrete Bowls

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Copper Bowls - Oil Rubbed Bronze

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Liquid Extreme Firebowl Projects

2013-10-18 09.31.20 2013-10-18 09.30.50 2013-10-18 09.29.48 2013-10-18 09.29.27 2013-09-23 11.55.24 2013-09-19 15.10.15 2013-09-19 15.09.52 2013-09-19 15.09.38 2013-09-19 15.09.25 2013-09-19 15.09.21 2013-09-19 15.09.13